Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Garden d'Lights - Botanical Garden Light Display

Last night I loaded the boys in the car and took them over to see the botanical garden light display. I had heard great things about it and I was eager to check it out and introduce Jay and David to the beauty of Christmas lights (over half a million in this display). I wasn't disappointed! The only disappointment was that Dad Matt couldn't join us. He needed to stay home and nurse his migraine headache (boo hoo!). I took these pictures so that we could tell and show Dad all about it, so I thought I'd share these pictures with all of you, too!

Above: Notice the slug on the left (including his slime trail) - a garden in the Seattle area wouldn't be a garden without one!
Below: It is a light "waterfall" with fish jumping

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

David is 6 months old!

My baby turned 6 months old on Sunday, December 12!

David's Stats:
Weight: 17 lbs, 11.5 oz. (50th-75th percentile)
Length/Height: 27" (75th percentile)
Head Circumference: 17-1/4 (50th percentile)

If you want to compare, see my blog entry on how big Jay was at this age. (In short, David is heavier than Jay was, but they seem to be about the same height and have about the same head size.)

David has a rash on his front and back, but I quickly learned it was a slight case of eczema and a little 1% hydrocortisone and Eucerin will cure it right up. (Jay had the same thing at his age. It must be related to the cold winter months - cold outside, warm dry heat inside.)

At his check-up he received more vaccine immunizations - DTaP (diphtheria tetanus & pertussis), HiB (haemophilus influenzae type b), PCV (pneumococcal conjugate vaccine), IPV (inactivated polio vaccine), and the Rotavirus. That equaled up to be 2 shots in his leg and one oral (liquid) dose. He was a trooper!

Here are some latest happenings with David:
  • Sits by himself

  • 7th tooth coming in (4 on top, 2 and a 3rd coming on the bottom)

  • Started crawling!! 2 weeks ago (quite proficiently for only 6 months)

  • Enjoys tummy time play time

  • Thinks his brother is AWESOME

  • Gives terrific open mouth kisses

  • Loves playing peek-a-boo

  • Laughs, screeches, babbles, and coos

And just to prove how great David is getting around, here is a video I took of David yesterday while Jay was napping.

David is developmentally ahead in the teeth and crawling categories when I look back and compare the two boys. As many second-born kids do, I think David will keep Jay on his toes!!

Friday, December 10, 2010

Christmas Picture Outakes

This year's picture won't win any prizes, but it was the best in the bunch...below is SUCCESS!!