Monday, August 31, 2009
Sunday Chillin'
Sunday, August 30, 2009
The Zoo
While Jay took his morning nap yesterday I packed all of us a picnic lunch. When Jay woke up we all left to go to the zoo. We took our picnic lunch inside the zoo and found a table and promptly had a bite to eat before venturing off to see all the animals.
Then we set off to see....
Here are a couple photos I took of the boys.
After the zoo we stopped at Cold Stone Creamery for an ice cream treat followed by dinner at Panera Bread. We were all BEAT at the end of our day, but we had a great time.
We all met up for church this morning and then enjoyed lunch together before they got on the road to go home.
Mike, Shawn, Alex, and Josh - thanks for making the trek up here this weekend! We so enjoy spending time with all of you and we're already looking forward to our next planned get-together!
Tuesday, August 25, 2009
Trip to North Carolina!
We took a non-stop flight to Atlanta, GA and then rented a car and drove 3-1/2 hours to our friends' house just outside Asheville, North Carolina. We left our house at 5:00 a.m. PST and arrived at our friends' home just after 5:00 p.m. PST so suffice it to say it was a long travel day. Jay did really great on the 4-1/2 hour non-stop flight and was a pretty good traveler in the car, too. We were all tired and ready to hit the hay.
Friday morning Jay enjoyed playing with his instant friends, Cole (almost 7) and Harper (4) before we headed out for lunch and Matt's meetings with his clients. Friday evening we enjoyed a yummy spaghetti dinner, put the kids to bed, and we headed to bed shortly after (still catching up on the lack of sleep from the day before).
Saturday was such a FUN DAY! Jay woke up right on schedule (having completely and successfully converted to the 3 hour time difference), took his morning nap, and then we all headed out to see the Biltmore Estate in Asheville, NC. If you ever are in that area it is a MUST SEE!
We arrived and went straight to the stable area to eat lunch in the stable house. The meal was incredible - very good food. The vegetables, fruit, and meat comes mostly from what they raise right there on the 8,000 acre estate. The flavor of the food was wonderful - you could tell it was fresh produce, etc.
August 14-30 they are featuring a flower carpet. Normally it is just a gravel open space, but during these two plus weeks they bring in all these flowers and lay the sod to make this beautiful garden display.
Here is the view from the far side of the flower carpet looking back at the Biltmore House. Harper and Cole are checking out the inside of this fountain.
The red and white impatience flowers were beautiful along our walk.
I had to take this picture. Jay was enthralled with this funny print on the wall of the pizza parlor. He faced it at the table where we were seated. He would throw his hand or both hands in the air and point at it making sure we all saw it. He would just stare up at it too, as evidenced in the photo below.
Sunday morning we attended church at Covenant - the church Matt used to be an active member of when he lived in Asheville. It was great to see so many friends even though the visit was short and sweet.
We joined Mark, Joanna, Cole, and Harper back at their house for a casual lunch. Then we packed the car and headed down the road to Atlanta again.
We stopped at a Cracker Barrel restaurant for dinner. I enjoy taking the opportunity to visit that restaurant chain since we don't have them out here on the West Coast and since there was one almost every 17 miles or so, we had our pick of them. :) The food was terrific (especially the buttermilk biscuits) and it was just what we needed to finish out the hour drive to Atlanta we had left to go. I have posted a video of Jay playing with his buttermilk biscuit after finishing his meal. Watch closely at the beginning of the video - I love his little shaky shaky dance.
Jay is ALMOST completely adjusted back to Pacific Time today...just an hour or so off his normal schedule, so not bad! Hooray! I didn't exactly enjoy the 4:00 a.m. wake-up call this morning but I was able to get him back to sleep after a while and he slept until 6:00. When he woke up then I could tell he was bright-eyed and bushy-tailed.
Mark and Jo - thanks so much for allowing us to crash at your place for the long weekend. We loved every minute spent with all of you. Thank you just doesn't seem to completely and accurately express our appreciation.
Monday, August 17, 2009
Jay's First Seattle Mariners Game!
Thank you, PopPop and Nana, for traveling here to spend time with us this weekend. You spoiled us with the tree-ripened peaches from your backyard, dinner out Saturday night, and your unconditional love and care for us. We love you!!
P.S. Thanks, PopPop, for sending me many of these photos. By the way, the peaches were put to excellent use today -- I made a fresh peach pie for dinner tonight! Wow is it ever good! And we still have quite a few for fresh eating this week.
Friday, August 14, 2009
Thrills and a Spill
Jay enjoyed playing on the sidelines during the soccer game. He doesn't know how to kick the soccer ball yet (he isn't quite coordinated enough yet since he just started walking two months ago), but we'll continue working on the that. In the meantime he loves to pick up the ball and throw it/roll it around. I think this is the start of true love for soccer perhaps.
Yesterday afternoon I had a hair appointment and because my sister Molly will be starting up the school year again in the next couple of weeks (she is a high school teacher) and it worked with her schedule, I scheduled a date night with her for Matt and me. Molly came over for dinner and then Matt and I stole away for a wonderful evening. We saw the new Julie & Julia movie. We really enjoyed the movie and the time away from our parental responsibilities.
Thanks again for babysitting last night Aunt Molly! All three of us really appreciated it.
PopPop and Nana are coming to visit this weekend (hooray!) so I'll have more photos to post on Monday!
Saturday, August 1, 2009
The Blue Angels
We enjoyed lunch with our good friends, Mark and Rachel, and walked from Rachel's condo to the I-90 bridge deck to watch the Blue Angels perform. It was a terrific air show again this year. In fact, we liked it better this year than last year. It seemed like they flew close to us a little more often.
Jay clung to me when the planes flew over us (he was a bit scared of the jet noise), but I watched him watch the planes fly by us many times after I pointed them out to him. I wouldn't say he was exactly "excited" about the air show, but he did great (no crying and no complaining). He just got a bit warm after being out in the sun for 30+ minutes since we were just standing there or he was sitting in his stroller (highs in the upper 80s today). To help with that we offered him frequent drinks of water. We were all slathered in sunscreen today to combat experiencing sunburns and we were successful!
And here is a family photo from today, Saturday, August 1, 2009
We hope everyone is having a terrific summer!!