Friday, February 26, 2010
A Glimpse of Play Time
Tuesday, February 23, 2010
Quality Dad & Jay Time Together
Below: Last Saturday at a neighborhood park
Tuesday, February 16, 2010
President's Day Weekend
Alex and Josh are both involved with the Upward basketball program January through March. For the third year in a row we were able to be there to watch one of their games. Josh's team played first (at 10:15 a.m. on Saturday). Josh is the one shooting the basketball in the photo below.
We all gathered together at PopPop and Nana's house for a FABULOUS Valentine's Day dinner Saturday evening followed by a fun game of Ticket to Ride using the 1910 expansion I received from my sister this past Christmas.
We had a GREAT time this weekend. Thanks for hosting us again PopPop and Nana! We sure love you!
Wednesday, February 10, 2010
Fun with Aunt Molly
Thanks to my sister Molly, Matt and I enjoyed an early Valentine's Day date last night. (We enjoyed dinner and a movie out.)
Molly pulled out her camera and captured some moments with Jay. He generally only gets to watch DVDs on long car trips and when a babysitter is here at home. Last night he chose to watch "God Made Me," a baby faith DVD put out by the Integrity Family, so that is what you can hear playing in the background.
This first video clip you get an idea of how busy he is these days. He LOVES climbing.
This second video clip is Molly's and our favorite. We love the "Ta Da" moment at the end.
Tuesday, February 9, 2010
Super Bowl Sunday
There are quite a few kiddos in our Sunday School group and all the kids had such a fun time playing together. Here are a few photos of Jay's activities on Sunday...
Above: Jay took the time to precisely line up these matchbox cars on the play rug (a typical thing for him to do)
Below: One of the family's that came was wise and brought along their computer with a VeggieTales movie. The kids would wander over to this corner of the room from time to time to watch a portion of the movie until their attention span waned.
What a fun Super Bowl game to watch this year! We had a great time visiting with our friends and we went home with full bellies from all the good eats.