Everything is great - my blood pressure is good, my weight gain is terrific (24 lbs - they like most Moms to gain between 25-35 lbs), my water retention is minimal (MUCH LESS, thank goodness, compared to my pregnancy with Jay), I have occasional contractions, but they aren't regular (just my body getting ready), and I'm sleeping great, too - although getting up about 4 times a night to piddle is a bit annoying. Most days I usually take a nap in the afternoon somewhere in the midst of Jay's afternoon nap. I'm trying to keep my "sleep bank" full so I'm not deprived when it comes to "game time." The only downer is that I have Group B this time, which isn't too big of a deal. I'll just get hooked up to an IV and will receive some antibiotic at the hospital during labor to help prevent Baby #2 from getting it when I deliver him.
Matt and I are both hoping for a JUNE baby. I'd rather not put family on the busy roads this Memorial Day weekend. My due date is June 5, but we're secretly hoping that this little guy might decide to arrive on Jay's birthday (June 2) so they'd be exactly two years apart. My Grandma did it - giving birth to my dad exactly three years to the day of when she had given birth to his older brother (my uncle Dale). So here's to hoping...
God's timing is perfect, and that is what we desire most of all. Please join us in praying for a smooth labor and delivery and a healthy baby boy in the next week or so. We'll keep you all posted regarding his arrival!