We're preparing for Traci's family to leave the area since Keith took a terrific job in Texas. It is quite bittersweet for us...we're so happy for them and this new opportunity/journey God has them on, but we sure are going to miss having them so close by! What a blessing their family has been to us! We know families will be blessed by them in Texas, too. Keith is already on the job in Texas having left more than a week ago. The girls are wrapping things up here and will be leaving soon. As you can imagine, we're soaking up every last possible minute with them!
The Cousins
(taken on Sunday, January 18)
Samantha, Joshua, Jay, Sydney, and Alex
(taken Tuesday, January 27)
Look at me - standing on my own!
Today I was able to capture Jay doing his newest latest and greatest trick - backwards crawling! I've been doing tummy time with him and it has been amazing watching this process of him learning to crawl. In days prior he has only done just a little bit of scootching back. But today he really took off! I'm sure it is just a matter of time before he learns to crawl forward.
1 comment:
Great pictures! Thanks for sharing them with all of us. We love you three and will miss you dearly. . .
Love, Traci
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