Friday, May 22, 2009

Flowers, Friends, Fun

Yesterday afternoon Jay and I took a walk to the park. I couldn't resist photographing a couple things along the way...

Lush, green, beautiful ivy - healthy and "spring-like" with its new growth

The rhododendron bushes around our condo building are bursting with beautiful, colorful, HUGE blossoms. The azalea bushes are also in full bloom (but I didn't take a picture of one of them - sorry).

Jay, I apologize in advance for these two photos above, but a Mom has to do what a Mom has to do to protect her little one from a potential sunburn. I forgot your baseball cap at home and borrowed one of Elorie's sun hats today for our walk around Greenlake.

We decided to stop about half-way around the lake at the playground for snack time and swing time. I sat you down next to Audrey while I dug out your snacks and the camera. Audrey was a hungry girl today. When you were offered one of her crackers she would reach over and take it from you and stuff it into her mouth. Audrey, you were hilarious today. Girl, you are SERIOUS about your food. One time Jay had a bite of one of "her" crackers in his mouth and she reached over and touched Jay's mouth trying to "get it back." And after a bite of her cracker Jay decided Audrey should just get out of the way so he could reach the cracker bowl so he gently but persistently placed his hand on her shoulder/chest and pushed her onto her back so he could lean over. Neither one of you cried or whined since your Mommies were right there supervising, but it was pretty funny witnessing your time together today.

Above: Walking, happy, 15 month old Elorie

Above: Audrey - who turns 1 tomorrow - happy and clapping in her swing

Above: Jay - serious, but happy and content in your swing

You've been busy cutting teeth this week. Your bottom middle teeth have been in for months and now the tooth on the bottom right poked out of the gum early this week (making for a total of 7 teeth in - 3 on bottom, 4 on top). You're still a bit more fussy than usual so I took another look in your mouth tonight and it seems you are working on three more - one more on the bottom and two molars (or are they your eye teeth?) on the top.

The three-day Memorial Day holiday weekend is upon us and we're staying here at home this year. Not too much is planned which means lots of family time and cleaning/organizing/playing will happen.

Have a great weekend everyone!


The Griffith Family said...

How cute-Jay in the pink/red sun hat! So nice of you to apologize, Mom!! What did Dad think of the hat? Michael was usually vocal if the clothes were "too cute" or the wrong color for his little boys! We are home for the weekend too-a birthday party today at the park and a wedding tomorrow at a garden area. So, we are enjoying the sunshiney weather!!

Mike and Becka said...

Hi Mindy! Looks like you all are doing great! Jay is so cute! What fun. I just got your post on our blog and I feel like I must have missed one of your posts. You mentioned "1st baby." Are you pregnant?!

Mike and Becka said...

Ha! That's funny! I will definitely stay tuned :)