Yes, Jay is officially 18 months old today. This Mom finds this very hard to believe that he is this old already!
We saw the pediatrician today and here are his latest stats:
Today's Weight: 23 lbs which puts him in the 10-25% range
Today's Length (Height): 33 inches which puts him in the 75-90% range
Today's Head Circumference: 49", again putting him in the 75-90% range
Jay's weight has been in the 15 to 25% range almost his entire life, so the pediatrician and I aren't worried in the least about it. And his height and head circumference remain "equal", still in the 75% range which has been Jay's norm, so we might just have a 6' tall boy in his later years which will beat out Dad's height (my comment/opinion)...we'll see.
Some of the latest developments and activites for Jay include:
-walks and runs well and can walk backward to pull or push a toy
-can walk and crawl up stairs quite proficiently now
-can use a utensil to feed himself, although this doesn't happen often since he likes to play with the utensil and bang it on the highchair tray more than using it to get a bite of food in his mouth
-can scribble
-when I dust the house, Jay likes to imitate me, then wants to dust with the feather duster after I'm finished with it
-temper tantrums happen now (and I guess are to be expected at this stage)
-we've begun to implement "time outs" when he completely looses it
-doesn't like to be dirty; will hold out his messy hands to be cleaned off if he gets something on them
-can remove his socks and shoes on his own
-vocabulary now includes: "oh wow", "uh oh", "no", some form of "Mama" and "Dada", and he definitely tries to say some form of "Nana" or "Grandma" when around these respective ladies -- sometimes heard as "Mom Mom"
-he will blow air out his mouth if he sees something hot (like food or a hot drink), imitating us blowing on it to cool it down
-understands most everything we say these days
-knows and points to his nose when asked (still working on knowing the names of his ears, eyes, mouth, feet, knees, etc.)
-understands and performs sequential actions; for instance, when I asked him to get his toothbrush and toothpaste tonight at bedtime he immediately got up, walked over and opened the drawer, got out those items, then shut the drawer and handed the items to me
-still takes two naps (about 1 hour in length) per day, though it seems we might start transitioning to one nap in the coming month or two (though this Mom isn't going to force it - two breaks per day is nice!)
-Usually wakes up between 6:15 and 6:45 every morning and goes "night night" around 8:00 every night
-when giving a hug, he'll often also gently pat the person on the back with his hand(s)
-hums and pinches his lips closed when he wants to give a kiss or receive a kiss from this Mom or Dad