After Christmas Day dinner, pictures, and Jay's nap, we went to my Uncle Dale and Aunt Julie's home for a gathering of my Dad's side of the family. I should have, but didn't take photos of the adults. Instead I took a few photos and videos of the kids playing. First here are a few photos of Jay and his 2nd cousin, Zoe, who is 5 months older than Jay. She was a good influence/example for Jay to follow in the eating department.
Returning home from the family party/gathering, we enjoyed watching Great Grandma and Jay open their Christmas gifts (both were taking afternoon naps when the rest of us opened our gifts).
Jay enjoyed pulling his new "puppy" from Uncle Scott and Aunt Mandy around the house. As you'll see in the video, Jay never missed the cuckoo clock chiming and announcing each hour that passed. He'd hear it, look up at the nearest adult, then go running or ask to be quickly taken to the clock to see and hear it.
Molly's Scott (now fiance!) brought his Xbox with all his Rock Band 2 accessories - drum set, electric guitar, bass guitar, and microphone so that four could play the game at the same time. Jay watched us play and decided he'd like to try the drum set out for himself. Here are the results. Not too bad!
Fun videos of Jay! I especially like the video of Jay giving Matt the pieces of "fuzz" off his present before opening it. He is definitely inherited the "clean" genes!
I agree, great videos! I love the squealing and laughing at the girls doing the cartwheels. So cute when the girl told him "you've got it kid!" or something like that!!! Looks like you guys had a fabulous time.
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