Today's Weight: 25.6 lbs. (10th-25th percentile) - he has always been a lightweight
Today's Length/Height: About 35-1/2 inches (75th percentile)
Today's BMI (Body Mass Index): 14.2
Jay sure took this Mom by surprise last night. The boy turns 2 and it seems he literally "grew up" overnight on me! He woke up at 3:00 a.m. and didn't want to go back to sleep. His diaper was fine, he had his favorite toys with him in the crib, I explained to him it was still "night night" and tried to get him to lay back down to tuck him in, etc. He eventually obeyed, but then he'd wake up 15 minutes later and I have to get back up and start over again. Finally I'd "had it" when the clock said 4:30 a.m. He kept pointing and insisting I sit or lay down in his room on the recently set-up twin over full bunk bed next to the crib. I explained for a third or fourth time (I remind you - in the middle of the night!) that the bed isn't Mommy's bed, that it was Jay's "big boy" bed. And then a lightbulb went off for me and I asked, "Do you want to sleep in your big boy bed?" He respectfully nodded yes to me and his whole body language told me, "You finally got it, Mom." So without hesitation and without a word, I picked him up out of his crib, pulled back the covers, and tucked him into the bed. I left the room and there was no fuss. I was in SHOCK. I stayed awake in my bed expecting a fuss or cry at any moment. At 5:00 a.m. I got out of bed because I was just so CURIOUS and sure enough, he was fast asleep. I promptly went back to bed and I know I quickly fell asleep. At 7:30 a.m. I heard Jay stirring and found that he had gotten out of bed on his own and was out happily playing in the living room with his new birthday gifts. What a turkey!!
Jay's Development Progress:
- Runs! Also walks up and down stairs holding rail or a hand.
- Scribbles with a crayon, creates "pictures" and shows them to you by saying, "Ta da!"
- Kicks and throws a ball willingly - enjoys playing "with" someone else.
- Shares his toys with other kids - brings them toys he thinks they'd enjoy playing with, etc.
- Enjoys rough-house playing (with Daddy since Mommy really can't do that being so pregnant)
- Enjoys "helping" around the house
- Sings
- Dances
- Loves to look at pictures and photos and points asking, "Who/what's dat?"
- Enjoys going through tunnels when we're out and about (Interstate 90 has some good ones on the way into Seattle)
- Loves all the typical "boy" things - trucks, cars, trains, tractors, buses, fire engines
- Likes stickers and enjoys placing them on Mom/Dad approved items
- Gives terrific hugs and kisses
- Enjoys going to bed with at least one book and several toy train cars
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