To continue on with my story from my June 21st post...
I went to bed Friday night, June 11th feeling "normal" and wondered, yet again, if "tomorrow" would be the day I'd go into labor so I could hold my second son in my arms.
I woke up at 4 a.m. Saturday and made my second (or was it third?) trip to the restroom - a normal occurance for a full-term pregnant lady. I experienced a really hard contraction that seemed to last over a minute long. I took note, looked at the clock, and went back to bed. Sure enough, 12 minutes later another contraction occurred. I rolled over (which wasn't easy, mind you!) and woke up Matt telling him I thought I was in labor, but that I wanted to wait to see if a third contraction came before I officially would "call it." Matt decided to get out of bed and move to the living room couch to watch part of the World Cup soccer match that was about to start. He gave me instructions to knock on the adjoining wall if I had another contraction. And sure enough, 12 minutes later another contraction happened, I knocked on the wall, and made it official ("yes, I'm in labor, this is the real thing") with Matt.
I laid in bed for a little longer, but I was too excited. I had to wake up my Mom shortly after 5:00 a.m. in our guest bedroom (also where Jay sleeps in his crib) to tell her I'd be having a baby TODAY (finally)!
By 5:15 Matt had called his parents in Oregon to tell them to make their way and asked them to call Matt's sister and family who also live in Oregon to let them know the news, too. Matt then walked into the bedroom and asked me to hop in the shower before we took off for the hospital. I willingly agreed, but little did I know that the contractions would start to come every 8 minutes. And by the time I got out of the shower and was blow-drying my hair while Matt showered, they were coming 4 minutes apart! Yikes!
We left the condo shortly after 6:00 a.m. - with Grandma Amy in the kitchen with 2 year old Jay making french toast (he was totally into the whole process and hardly noticed Matt and I depart, thank goodness). I'm so thankful we live so close to the hospital. I remember how uncomfortable the car ride to the hospital was when I was in labor with Jay, and once again, how uncomfortable I was sitting in the car in labor with David. THANK GOODNESS it was early in the morning on a weekend so the timing of the traffic lights was quick! I was so very thankful for that. About 5 minutes into the drive I decided to time my contractions again. I knew the nurses would ask Matt that question upon arrival so I wanted him to be prepared and know. Ugh - 2 minutes apart now!! We parked in the hospital parking garage (again, thankful for it being the weekend since they have FREE parking all day Saturday and Sunday) and not 15 steps into the walk from the car to the elevator, I had a really hard contraction, tossed my cookies (into a bowl I had brought along with me in the car thankfully), and made my way up to the labor and delivery floor.
The nurses got me situated, asking me all the health questions while getting me hooked up to the IV (since I had tested positive for Group B strep). One of the questions was whether or not I wanted an epidural. I told her that I was okay for now, but that I might change my mind later. She then checked me after being at the hospital maybe 15 minutes. I learned I was already dialated to about 9-1/2 cm (with 10 cm being the time they want you to push)! Good thing I was good with a natural delivery! (I delivered Jay naturally, too.)
I went to bed Friday night, June 11th feeling "normal" and wondered, yet again, if "tomorrow" would be the day I'd go into labor so I could hold my second son in my arms.
I woke up at 4 a.m. Saturday and made my second (or was it third?) trip to the restroom - a normal occurance for a full-term pregnant lady. I experienced a really hard contraction that seemed to last over a minute long. I took note, looked at the clock, and went back to bed. Sure enough, 12 minutes later another contraction occurred. I rolled over (which wasn't easy, mind you!) and woke up Matt telling him I thought I was in labor, but that I wanted to wait to see if a third contraction came before I officially would "call it." Matt decided to get out of bed and move to the living room couch to watch part of the World Cup soccer match that was about to start. He gave me instructions to knock on the adjoining wall if I had another contraction. And sure enough, 12 minutes later another contraction happened, I knocked on the wall, and made it official ("yes, I'm in labor, this is the real thing") with Matt.
I laid in bed for a little longer, but I was too excited. I had to wake up my Mom shortly after 5:00 a.m. in our guest bedroom (also where Jay sleeps in his crib) to tell her I'd be having a baby TODAY (finally)!
By 5:15 Matt had called his parents in Oregon to tell them to make their way and asked them to call Matt's sister and family who also live in Oregon to let them know the news, too. Matt then walked into the bedroom and asked me to hop in the shower before we took off for the hospital. I willingly agreed, but little did I know that the contractions would start to come every 8 minutes. And by the time I got out of the shower and was blow-drying my hair while Matt showered, they were coming 4 minutes apart! Yikes!
We left the condo shortly after 6:00 a.m. - with Grandma Amy in the kitchen with 2 year old Jay making french toast (he was totally into the whole process and hardly noticed Matt and I depart, thank goodness). I'm so thankful we live so close to the hospital. I remember how uncomfortable the car ride to the hospital was when I was in labor with Jay, and once again, how uncomfortable I was sitting in the car in labor with David. THANK GOODNESS it was early in the morning on a weekend so the timing of the traffic lights was quick! I was so very thankful for that. About 5 minutes into the drive I decided to time my contractions again. I knew the nurses would ask Matt that question upon arrival so I wanted him to be prepared and know. Ugh - 2 minutes apart now!! We parked in the hospital parking garage (again, thankful for it being the weekend since they have FREE parking all day Saturday and Sunday) and not 15 steps into the walk from the car to the elevator, I had a really hard contraction, tossed my cookies (into a bowl I had brought along with me in the car thankfully), and made my way up to the labor and delivery floor.
The nurses got me situated, asking me all the health questions while getting me hooked up to the IV (since I had tested positive for Group B strep). One of the questions was whether or not I wanted an epidural. I told her that I was okay for now, but that I might change my mind later. She then checked me after being at the hospital maybe 15 minutes. I learned I was already dialated to about 9-1/2 cm (with 10 cm being the time they want you to push)! Good thing I was good with a natural delivery! (I delivered Jay naturally, too.)
My sister arrived in the labor room around 7:00 a.m. (she is my "push" coach and Matt is my spouse/moral support coach). Less than an hour later I was fully dialated and they told me I could start to push. My water still had not broken, which was good since it was protecting little David from the potential exposure to Group B Strep. My water broke after my third push, the pediatricians and the delivery doctor showed up, and about 3 to 5 pushes later, David came!
David arrived at 7:58 a.m. (less than 4 hours after I woke up at 4 a.m.) with dark olive skin, a healthy bright red complexion, dark brown hair, weighing in at 7 lbs, 14 oz. and 20-1/4" long.
David arrived at 7:58 a.m. (less than 4 hours after I woke up at 4 a.m.) with dark olive skin, a healthy bright red complexion, dark brown hair, weighing in at 7 lbs, 14 oz. and 20-1/4" long.

My Mom arrived at the labor room with Jay around 9:00 a.m. Jay was glad to see us, but acted shy when he first arrived in the room. It was very cute. He quickly warmed up to the situation and really cared less about seeing us (Mom and Dad) -- he wanted to see his baby brother! Following the introduction and some cuddle time with Mom and Dad, Jay got to open up his gift from baby David...a baby brother doll. (You'll see it in some of the pictures that follow.)
Aunt Molly, Brother Jay, Grandma Amy, Dad Matt, saying "Hi" and welcoming baby David!
Grandma Amy's first cuddle with David.
David's First Bath
1 comment:
Wow Mindy! That really was quick:) So thankful for a safe and healthy delivery. Thanks for sharing your story:)
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