Saturday morning Nana made waffles and bacon for breakfast (YUM!) and Jay enjoyed exploring all of Nana and Pop Pop's toys all morning long.
We left by 11:15 and drove to Cousin Alex's soccer game that began at noon. Of course it rained all weekend, but it was lightly raining the first hour of Alex's game and so it wasn't too bad. The rain on top of cool temperatures (upper 40s) made it feel a little colder than that, so we bundled up as best we could.
Below: Alex is the player in green playing defense against the boy in the blue with the soccer ball
Alex did a terrific job - and his team ended up winning the game 7 to 5. Hooray! Way to go, Alex!!
Below here are some photos I took Saturday late afternoon around the house. (Shawn, Alex, and Josh would have spent Saturday afternoon and evening with us, but they were feeling under the weather so they decided it would be best to stay home and not potentially expose us to their "bug". We were sad about that, but we understood. At least we got to see them!)
Sunday morning we went to Nana and Pop Pop's church. Aunt Shawn, Cousin Alex, and Cousin Josh met us there and then we all went out to eat lunch at Sweet Tomatoes after church ended (thanks for treating us Nana and Pop Pop!). Uncle Mike would have come to everything this weekend, but he was on their church's men's retreat. Hope it was great, Mike!
Thanks for a terrific weekend! As always, it was great spending time with family. We love you guys so much!! We're looking forward to Christmas when we will ALL be together.
Love the rainy, soccer pictures! Classic NW weather:) Glad you all had a good visit!
Glad you got some pics, Mindy! I don't know what has happened with me and my camera lately:(
So cute that Jay was in the family picture of you guys, even though he ran away and didn't want to be in it!!!
Great to see you guys-thanks for making the trip.
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