Nothing says "home" to me like snow on the ground outside and a warm, cozy, beautiful fire in the fireplace - the first of the season. Jay enjoyed "helping" Grandma bring up the fire brick and the logs. I like this first photo as it looks like Jay is trying to give David a high-five.
The next morning Matt took Jay outside to experience the "no" in Jay's words (he's means snow). It was near 0 degrees F out, so it was plenty nippy.
What is better than coming in out of the cold to a nice warm mug of hot chocolate?
Thanksgiving Day was spent with aunts, uncles, cousins, and their kids. Around 40 of us (out of around 70 of us) gathered in Mom's church's basement for the afternoon to enjoy our Thanksgiving meal potluck and family share time.
Here is a picture of three of Jay and David's second cousins - Lara, Korie, and Julia. Aren't they adorable?
My sister graciously took this family photo of us Thanksgiving morning.
Picture: Aunt Beth (top left), Uncle Ray, Aunt Joan, Aunt Mary Kaye (bottom left), and Mom Amy
It was a terrific meal, we had a good time of sharing and fellowship, and the evening was topped off by an after-party gathering at my Mom's house. We'll gather again like this for Thanksgiving 2012.
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