
- Weighs 30 lbs. (25th to 50th percentile)
- Is 38-1/2" tall (75th to 90th percentile)
- He says, "No" more than we'd like, but he also is saying "Okay Mommy" or "Okay Daddy" more frequently which is music to our parental ears.
- He adores cars and trucks (Lightning McQueen, Mater from Disney Cars, Hot Wheel or Matchbox cars and trucks, Tonka trucks, construction vehicles, he can correctly identify specific make and models of cars, and gets excited seeing buses, semi-trucks, delivery vans, etc. when we're out and about running errands).
- A stranger can understand half or a little more of what he says now.
- When a meal is offered or when naptime/bedtime is quickly approaching, if he is engrossed with his play and doesn't want to stop he'll say, "I'm busy workin' Mommy." It's very charming and funny, but it hasn't really worked for him. Well, to be completely honest, it may have spared him a few extra minutes of playtime, actually.
- He is still in diapers full-time, but he has been very successful at going pee in his potty when asked or reminded to use his potty. When he is successful, he gets a sticker on the sticker paper and a small treat (one pez candy from the Thomas the Train Engine pez dispenser). The model car on the back of the (adult) toilet is still good motivation for him to go poo in the potty. My goal is to have him potty-trained/in big boy underwear in the next 6 months. We'll see if I meet my goal.
- He can wash and dry his hands and brushes his teeth with just a little help.
- He is repeating/parroting much of Matt's and my words. Some words are pronounced clearly and correctly. Other words, not so much. ("tank ooo" is "thank you" for example)
- Will spontaneous break out in song many days. "He's Got the Whole World," "Twinkle Twinkle Little Star," "Jesus Loves Me," "The B-I-B-L-E," "I'm in the Lord's Army," and the ever popular "Old McDonald" and "Wheels on the Bus" songs are often heard coming out of his mouth in the recognizable tune. He continues to learn and soak up new songs every day.
- "Helps" me in the kitchen by mixing, pouring in measured ingredients, and tasting batters; helps me put dirty clothes in the washer and helps me transfer clean wet clothes from the washer to the dryer; LOVES to help me dust; and "helps" me vacuum.
- He can count to 10 and is almost successful at counting to 20; can correctly say/list off portions of the alphabet.
- Enjoys choosing books for us to read to him. He was given a "Tag Jr" reader as a gift for his birthday and enjoys exploring the Tag Jr books on his own several times a week.
- His imagination is beginning to blossom. Recent activities include reading imaginary books to him and "digging for (imaginary) treasure" under "X marks the spot."
- Sleeps in a "big boy bed" - typically 9 uninterrupted hours at night and a 1-1/2 to 2 hour afternoon nap every day.
- TOLERATES bath time. He has been battling getting into the bathtub, but once he gets in and I finish washing his hair, etc., he has fun playing in the water and with his tub toys.
- His second toe overlaps/lays on top of his third toe. Someone in the family has toes that match/do the same. Perhaps PopPop's toes? Matt's ALMOST do it.
- Jay eats cereal (Cheerios or Life), french toast, pancakes, waffles, cheese (colby jack, cheddar, mozzarella), water, apple juice, milk, hot chocolate, pizza (only cheese pizza, that is), pb&j and grilled cheese sandwiches, cornbread, pretzels, chips, apples, grapes, pears, peaches, bananas and the very occasional rare baby carrot. Veer too far outside of these foods and you'll get a quick and resounding "no" - he won't try it, won't let it get near his food tray, etc.
- Weighs 19.15 lbs (10th to 25th percentile)
- Is 30" tall (50th to 75th percentile)
- Head circumference: 18-3/4 (75th to 90th percentile)
(To compare David's stats to Jay at this age, click http://mattmindycountingourblessings.blogspot.com/2009/06/12-month-well-check.html)
- Walks everywhere - it is rare to see him crawling (he started walking at 10-1/2 mo.)
- Says "Mama," "Dada" and his recent word is "Uh oh"
- Sometimes responds to "no"
- Indicates his wants by pointing (and sometimes verbally yelling for it, too)
- Hands a toy or object to Matt and me and will take it back over
- Loves to strew things about - pots and pans, tupperware containers and lids, toys, cars and trucks, whatever he can find to empty out of a cupboard or drawer, really. I am constantly picking up/reorganizing/returning items to their original spot.
- Enjoys playing spontaneous games of "peek-a-boo" with blankets and towels.
- Loves it when we sing songs
- Will clap when he's happy or when other people are clapping
- Enjoys looking through books (his attention span is still very short though)
- He is a TERRIFIC eater!! And eats almost all day long! When eating a meal, we'll feed him for 30 to 45 min (constantly). Sometimes he'll eat for 15 min. and want to get down for a break, but we've learned he'll be back 5 or 15 min. later for MORE FOOD!! 'Tis a challenge to fill his hollow legs at times. The pediatrician recommended I try and up his protein seeing how active he is and hearing how much food he needs/consumes throughout the day and night.
- I'm weaning him (he only nurses 2 or 3 times in 24 hours). I have recently started giving him whole milk to drink, but so far he isn't a big fan. He'll drink it, but he'd rather drink his water. I think it is just a matter of him getting used to the taste of whole milk.
- Continues to LOVE bath time.
- Sleeps from 8 pm to 4 a.m.; nurses around 4 a.m., then goes back to sleep until 5:30 or 6 a.m.
- On two-nap days I'll allow him to sleep 45 min. in the morning; on both two-nap and single afternoon nap days he'll sleep from 1:00/1:30 to 3:30/4:00 (a 1-1/2 to 2 hour afternoon nap).
- I'm weaning him down to taking just one nap a day (to try and get him to sleep longer at night). We'll do one nap several days in a row, then he'll need a two-nap day.
- David received three vaccinations at his 1 year well-check appointment - 1 shot in each arm and 1 in his thigh. (Received his MMR, chicken pox, and HepA vaccines.) He's a tough guy - he barely cried even though he was pricked three times!! The nurse was surprised and impressed. I was too.
- David ADORES Jay and likes to "play" with him. Jay, however, isn't a big fan. Especially when David comes over and picks up/messes up his perfectly aligned matchbox/hot wheels cars.
- Screeches, yells, and expresses his frustration or displeasure when something is taken from him that he wanted, or when he really wants to "do" something he isn't supposed to do. He'll also sound that "alarm" when he is hungry and the food isn't coming fast enough.
- If not watchful or careful, he'll be "in" to doing things you don't appreciate - like unrolling the toilet paper/aluminum foil roll, taking all the sandwich bags out of the neatly packed box, taking things out of the garbage cans, taking dirty utensils and dishes out of the dishwasher, or playing in the toilet bowl water if the lid isn't down, etc.
Life is full and busy around this household every day. I must confess, though. I love sleep and I sure miss it when I don't get enough of it. My Mommy confession is this: you'll often find me taking a 1-1/2 to 2 hour afternoon nap right along with the boys most days. I like to think it keeps me healthy, sane, and (hopefully) the afternoon nap makes me a better Mom/Wife/Sister/Daughter. If not the latter roles, I KNOW the naps make me a better Mom.
We survived the first year as a family of FOUR!! Hooray! We did it! That, in and of itself, is reason to celebrate.
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