Thursday, June 4, 2009

12 Month Well Check

Today Jay saw Dr. Crosby and had his 1 year check-up at the pediatrician's office. Here are his latest stats:

Today's Weight: 19.2 lbs - 5%
Today's Length/Height: 30" - 50-75%
Today's Head Circumference: 46-1/2" - 50-75%

Yes, he is a bit of a lightweight, but if you witnessed daily how much he moves during the day, it wouldn't surprise you that he has only gained about one pound since his 9 mo. check-up. He eats alot of food (fruits, vegetables, sometimes meat) at his mealtimes and has a few snacks during the day, so I'm not worried about his nutrition.

I've been weaning him (he only nurses at night now) and I've recently started giving him whole milk in addition to offering water during the day, so hopefully some of the extra milk fat will help with fattening him up a bit more.

Here are the latest developmental things and activities he is doing:

  • Crawls - quite efficiently and effectively; he even sometimes will crawl without his knees touching the ground (just hands and feet touching); it is funny since his little butt sticks up in the air when he does that

  • Pulls to a stand often and frequently - against a wall, the couch, on Mommy or Daddy's legs, on a chair, on the lamp table/dresser, on the fridge...the list could go on and on

  • Can stand without holding on to anything for a few seconds before he decides to sit down or hold on to something (in other words, he is almost ready to take his first steps!)

  • Sometimes indicates his wants by pointing

  • Likes to occasionally feed/share his food with Mom

  • Likes tongues these days - he sticks his out often and loves it when we stick ours out and do silly things with it

  • Will sometimes hand a toy/object to you and will take it back over and over

  • Likes to pull open drawers/containers and put things in or take things out

  • Snuggles in close to Mom or Dad when meeting/seeing a new person

  • Enjoys "This Little Piggy," "Peek-a-boo," "Patty Cake"

  • Enjoys us singing songs to him, will sit and enjoy a book for a longer period of time now, likes to look at pictures - we ask "who/what is that" and then we say the answer

  • The latest thing he has discovered is screaming; we are trying to discourage the screams by telling him "no" and sometimes putting our hand over his mouth; we don't mind him vocalizing, but screaming is over-the-top for us -- especially first thing in the morning when he likes to do it ALOT

  • Bath time in the kitchen sink is still ultra fun; he has discovered splashing and swishing the water back and forth is really great; Mom regularly gets a little bit wet these days supervising the bath time - perhaps it is time to have tub baths?

  • When we pick him up from nursery on Sundays he smiles big when he spots Mom/Dad and the childcare workers always seem to remark, "What a very happy, very good boy he is!" That warms a parent's heart - can't hear that enough!
Battle scars from today's three vaccinations in his arms:

Jay also enjoys "helping" Mom and Dad with the dishwasher lately. He enjoys taking the silverware out and putting the utensils under the bottom rack/onto the door. It'll be more "helpful" when we teach him to put them IN the silverware rack, but for now this is great fun! Can you tell?

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