Friday, August 14, 2009

Thrills and a Spill

Late last week Jay got the bright idea to open up the big drawer on the bottom of the stove. He must have seen me open the drawer to get out my oven gloves, cookie sheets, or hot pads. He so enjoyed getting in and standing inside of it. Here are some action shots that Matt took.

He looks pretty proud of himself, don't you think?

Matt recently signed up to play soccer this Fall. The summer soccer team had a game this past Wednesday night so we decided to go and check it out. Matt was able to sub in for a few minutes of play time. Here is a picture of him in action. He is in the white shirt, blue shorts, and white soccer socks.

Jay enjoyed playing on the sidelines during the soccer game. He doesn't know how to kick the soccer ball yet (he isn't quite coordinated enough yet since he just started walking two months ago), but we'll continue working on the that. In the meantime he loves to pick up the ball and throw it/roll it around. I think this is the start of true love for soccer perhaps.

I'm sure you are wondering why I took the following picture. Well, there is a story behind this scenario. Imagine Jay with the watering can in his left hand and his right hand and leg on the toy push car. And notice the toy push car has WHEELS. Yes, you guessed it...the toy car moved on him unexpectantly and Jay hit the deck (literally) face first.
Now Jay has a scratched up and bruised face from his spill. You can't quite make it out in this picture below but he has a small red mark in the middle of his forehead, and you can see the surface scratches on his nose, the large scrape just under his nose, and another scratch burn on his chin. He cried a little, but really not very long for the looks of these injuries. I pressed a cold washcloth on the wounds to clean them up and dabbed a tissue on the nose/lip injury until it stopped bleeding. By the time I was using the tissue on him he had stopped crying. I'm praying for quick healing this week since we are traveling next weekend. People will wonder what kind of parent I am for allowing my cute little guy to get so "beat up". Oh well!

Yesterday afternoon I had a hair appointment and because my sister Molly will be starting up the school year again in the next couple of weeks (she is a high school teacher) and it worked with her schedule, I scheduled a date night with her for Matt and me. Molly came over for dinner and then Matt and I stole away for a wonderful evening. We saw the new Julie & Julia movie. We really enjoyed the movie and the time away from our parental responsibilities.

Meanwhile, Jay had a GREAT time with Aunt Molly. Molly brought her camera along and took these videos of Jay playing with a soft, cushy ball. This is his very favorite activity. He loves throwing balls and chasing after them and doing it all over again. As Mom I especially enjoy the sound of the pitter patter of his feet on the floor. (And who doesn't enjoy the laughter of their child? What a sweet sound!)

Thanks again for babysitting last night Aunt Molly! All three of us really appreciated it.

PopPop and Nana are coming to visit this weekend (hooray!) so I'll have more photos to post on Monday!

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