Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Super Bowl Sunday

This past Sunday afternoon some of our Sunday School class families gathered together at church to watch this year's Super Bowl football game. Turns out the college group was gathering together too, but the room they were going to use at church didn't work out for them to watch the game so they "crashed" our party. We didn't mind at all! They had pizza, pop, and snacks and our group had chili, cornbread, chips, dips, and cookies - we combined our "eats" and enjoyed watching the game together as a larger group.

There are quite a few kiddos in our Sunday School group and all the kids had such a fun time playing together. Here are a few photos of Jay's activities on Sunday...

Above: Jay took the time to precisely line up these matchbox cars on the play rug (a typical thing for him to do)

Below: One of the family's that came was wise and brought along their computer with a VeggieTales movie. The kids would wander over to this corner of the room from time to time to watch a portion of the movie until their attention span waned.
Below is a video of Jay loving to pull this toy bus around on its string. He and I were playing a mini game of "chase" as I tried to capture his joy on video.

What a fun Super Bowl game to watch this year! We had a great time visiting with our friends and we went home with full bellies from all the good eats.

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