Saturday, May 22, 2010

2nd Birthday Parties

Saturday, May 15 and Saturday May 22 we attended 2nd birthday parties of two of Jay's girl friends.

The first party involved:
A puppet show at the local library
Below: The birthday girl, Sarah, her Mom Anastacia (due with baby boy #2) and the puppeteer.
Which was followed by lunch and fun back at their home. Below here are several photos of us trying to get a good one of all the 2 year old friends. For some reason Jay lost it for the photo montage and was just fine once the posing was finished. It made for some really funny photos.

Audrey's 2nd birthday party happened this past Saturday. It was a fun and lovely party. The minute we walked in their door Jay saw Audrey playing with her new tea set from her Uncle Luke and Jay didn't miss a beat and joined right in, pretend pouring tea and having Audrey take pretend sips out of the tea cups.
Here is Audrey posing for pictures with her personal 2nd birthday cake.
Audrey with her Grandma Marty, her first cousin, and another girl friend.
Jay enjoyed playing with Declan who is 8 months old.
Watching Audrey open her gifts was probably my most favorite part of the party. She is just so much more verbal than Jay being just 2 weeks older than him. When opening her first gift of clothes she remarked, "Pretty! Audrey wear now."
As you can guess from the above photo, Jay was right there in the midst of opening all her gifts and played with each one along with Audrey. He had a great time (and so did I).
Below was the result of the car ride tuckered out guy.

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