Saturday, September 25, 2010

A Week In The Life Of...

Saturday, September 18
We packed the car and headed to Eastern Washington to attend a friend's wedding. It was a short and sweet wedding ceremony and then we enjoyed the beautiful afternoon outside at tables for the wedding reception in the backyard of the bride's parent's home. Did the kids' schedule get totally thrown off that day? Yes, which included no nap for the 2 year old no matter how much his parents hoped he would nap. Despite the lack of schedule, it was a good day. We ended the evening with a surprise visit with my Aunt and Cousin and quality time with my Mom who so enjoyed seeing her grandboys.

Sunday, September 19
Enjoyed a yummy french toast breakfast with my Mom, then packed up the car and headed back home. Trip home included not one, but TWO glorious stops at a Starbucks. I'm not getting much quality sleep these days, people. A caffeine Chai Tea Latte treat now and then is this Mom's best friend.

Monday, September 20
It was pajama day for me and the two youngest boys. Gotta have those from time to time, 'ya know. For Jay this also was the beginning day of transitioning him to sleeping in his "big boy bed." I decided to first give it a try during his nap times and then try it for an all-nighter later after nap times are successful. The first day of naptime in the big boy bed was very successful. I knew when he woke up from his nap because I heard him knocking on his bedroom door (which I shut).

Matt especially enjoys his Monday evenings as he attends the Seattle Mens BSF (Bible Study Fellowship) group. This year they are doing a new study - it is the book of Isaiah this year. He comes home around 9 or 9:30 on a high having had a good evening and getting some much needed refreshment. Me on the other hand? Let's just say Monday evenings are very challenging and I'll leave it at that. I know it'll get better as the boys get older. We're just in a stage. At least that is what I keep telling myself and hope and pray it comes true sooner rather than later.

Tuesday, September 21
Bible Study morning for me. Thankfully Matt works from home early Tuesdays mornings so I can shower, dress, prep both boys, and get out the door by 9 a.m. I was on a good roll this Tuesday until...dun dun dun! (dramatic, suspenseful, uh-oh music) The biggest, hugest, and messiest blow-out diaper from David that I've EVER experienced occurred. It was astonishing how little was in the diaper, but how much was up his back and into his armpits. Double YUCK!!!! I was grateful I checked on David 20 minutes before I had to be out the door. Into the bathtub I took him to strip him, bathe him, and get us both back into good places. I was out the door on time thanks to Matt being home. I wouldn't have made it otherwise.

Wednesday, September 22
For some reason I decided to stick my finger in David's mouth in the morning after dealing with some unusual fussiness from him. I felt a tooth! Yes folks, at 3-1/2 months old David cut his first tooth (bottom right middle). Turns out Jay cut his first tooth about this same time (about 3 months old) so I must admit I'd been watching for it to happen and I saw the signs of the possibility of a tooth coming with all the drool and hand-in-mouth action going on. Wednesday evening I checked his bottom gums again and felt the SECOND tooth (bottom left middle) that he's working on cutting now. I sent Matt to the drugstore to buy some Baby Orajel after experiencing another loud evening at home with the two young boys.

Thursday, September 23
A long-awaited and anticipated morning play date with my girlfriends Katie, Emilie, and Priscilla! Katie's daughter Audrey is 1-1/2 weeks older than Jay and baby Elissa is 1 week younger than David. Emilie's daughter Elorie is 4 months older than Jay, and Priscilla has two boys, Kellen who is 4 and Kyler who is 2 and was born the same day as Jay. Yes, that makes FOUR 2 year olds, one 4 year old, and two 3 month old babies at our get-together this morning. It was a busy (and at times loud) get-together, but it was a refreshing drink of water for me to fellowship with these Moms who are going through this parenting thing with me. A family trip to the grocery store after dinner that night completed our day.

Friday, September 24
This was a day of prep and cooking. We delivered a homemade meal (homemade guacamole, all the fixin's for soft tacos, a bag of tortilla chips, and freshly baked homemade chocolate chip cookies) for our friends who had their third child on September 7 (3 kids 3 years old and younger). I just doubled everything I fixed for their family so we could enjoy the same meal in our home. Any free time I had from the two boys was focused on fixing food in the kitchen. I finished everything by 4 and the meal was delivered before 5.

I think I have mentioned this before, but if I have neglected to mention it, David LOVES his diaper changes and bath time. He gets all excited and happy! To prove this to you, here is a video clip I took of him having just completed changing his diaper last night.

Saturday, September 25
Matt gets up with Jay every morning and he made french toast this morning (Jay's absolute favorite). He has gotten so good at it now that he has the "recipe" memorized. LOVE IT! I get up when David fusses for his morning feeding which normally happens before 7. (Not to mention getting up in the middle of the night to feed David, too.) Matt took Jay to get the car's oil changed and brought the baby swing from our storage unit home this morning. Matt then hung various pictures and items on some of our walls that we've been meaning to get around to doing. Jay got out his toy hammer and toy nail and imitated Matt. It was really cute and funny. Jay is down for his nap after having lunch and Matt has taken the car to get new tires. I've done a load of laundry, worked on my Bible Study lesson for this week, BLOGGED, and will do some other household chore projects later today (wash dishes, clean bathrooms, etc.). These laid-back Saturdays don't come very often in our household, so we are enjoying getting all these projects done around the house at our leisure.

SO, that rounds out my "A Week In The Life Of" blog post. What did your week look like??

1 comment:

Traci said...

Very sweet video of David! He has good rhythm:) Can't wait to meet him at Christmas!