Monday, February 20, 2012

David's First Sentence - 20 months old

I've been terrible about recording David's firsts. Guess that comes with 2nd child territory, but I really want to be better about it.

We spent this three-day President's Day weekend in Oregon with Matt's parents (Nana and PopPop). David has been having quite the word explosion since Christmas time with several new words said each day. He has quite the vocabulary now. But this weekend was momentous in the fact that he said is first full sentence over and over again.

"PopPop, where are you?" was his first sentence when PopPop went upstairs. It was followed by, "Daddy, where are you?" "Mommy, (or Mama) where are you?" and "Nana, where are you?" Sometimes the words are crystal clear, other times not so much, but the intonation is always perfect.

It is also fun to hear David call his brother Jay, "Nay." And when we remind him to say "please" he puts in hand on his chin and sweetly says, "Peas." There are so many other fun sayings, but these are a few that come quickly to mind.

What a fun stage we are in (with both boys, actually). I just need to stop and soak it in from time to time. Blogging helps me do this, so I need to "get back on the blog-horse" so to speak, huh?

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