Monday, June 4, 2012

Cannon Beach Celebration!

Over Memorial Day weekend we joined a portion of Matt's family at our favorite vacation spot - Cannon Beach Christian Conference Center. Normally we spend a week in August there, but this year with baby girl due, a week in August wasn't going to work for us. We opted to attend the weekend conference.

The only meal "on our own" over the special three-day weekend was Saturday lunch (all other meals were provided) so it was fun to plan a "Cars" themed family birthday party to celebrate the May/June/July family birthdays - Uncle Mike, Jay, Cousin Alex, David, and Cousin Josh.
Here are pictures of the 4 cousins playing together with Alex and Josh's "Cars" collection prior to lunch. How perfect - in the "theme" already!

Lunch - pizza from Pizza a' Fetta
Fruit, Chips, and Salad Fixin's

"Cars" themed plates
Some of the birthday boys enjoying their pizza lunch!
(Clockwise: David, Josh, and Alex)
Present time!

Ice cream cake for dessert

Opening gifts from Mommy and Daddy after nap time
Playing with the new birthday toys!
(We thought it was funny that David liked playing with his feet and legs under the end of the bed.)
Our weekend there ended on a bit of an abrupt down note. Mommy/me/Mindy came down with the signs/symptoms of Hand, Foot, and Mouth disease. (Jay had it early that week and I probably caught it when I was comforting him Tuesday night.) In order to not give greater exposure to family, we hightailed it out of there Sunday morning driving straight back home. (Our initial plan attend the conference through Monday afternoon, spend Monday night in Oregon at Matt's parents, driving back home Tuesday morning to avoid the holiday traffic.) Praise the Lord - neither Matt or David caught it. We continue to pray that Jay and I didn't spread it to any others.

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