Tuesday, January 29, 2013

PopPop & Nana Time!

It has been quite a while since I posted something new on this little blog of ours. I have other pictures to post from December, but time has flown by and other items have been more of a priority.
Speaking of other priorities, the biggest one has been the purchase of a new home! Yes, the week after Thanksgiving we began a new house search and by December 17th we found "the one" and placed an offer. Later that week after negotiations we had mutual acceptance!
Christmas was enjoyed with Matt's side of the family followed by a birthday/New Year celebration with my side of the family. Then packing commenced!!
My Mom Amy came and spent January 9-12 with us and helped me make big strides packing up items around the house.
Then January 21-24 Matt's parents (PopPop & Nana) arrived to help make more forward progress. Matt was away at a work conference those days so their help was utilized both in helping me care for these three precious kiddos and making another huge leap forward toward moving out and readying this condo for renters. We were exhausted at the end of each day keeping up with the kids and accomplishing so many different tasks each day.
Here are a few photos PopPop took during our time together.
Nana & Amy (5 months old)
Picture taken January 21 
Jay and David on January 22
(Jay made the crown in class while Mommy attended Bible Study that day)
 Jay (4-1/2 years old) cheesing it up for PopPop
Picture taken January 24
David (2-1/2 years old) smiling sweetly for PopPop
Picture taken January 24
Sweet, angelic, sleeping Amy (5 months old)
Picture taken January 24
Life is full and busy these days! Looking forward to posting pictures of the new house soon. Move-in is February 1 and 2!!

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