Friday, November 15, 2013

Amy is 15 months old!

Amy at the park on Sunday, November 3
It has been a while since we had been to a park. Amy surprised us by going down the slide all by herself and LOVED this new thrill.
 Happy, Happy, Happy!!
Amy - 15 months old - Friday, November 15, 2013

Amy is 15 months old today!!

We visited the pediatrician this morning and here are her latest stats:

Today's Weight: 22 lbs, 8 oz. (50th percentile)
Today's Length/Height: 32 (90-95 percentile)
Today's Head Circumference: 18 (25-50 percentile)

She is adding lots of teeth right now! I see the tip-tops of 4 molars sticking through her gums and today noticed her eye teeth are coming in at the same time, too! Yikes! No wonder she has wanted so much milk from her bottle recently. (My theory is the whole milk + her bottle is soothing/comforting to her.)

Amy is also adding words to her vocabulary every day. She is a great communicator of her wants and needs to Mommy and Daddy now which is such a nice change from the loud yells and screams we were experiencing. My current favorite is the mantra of "Happy! Happy! Happy!" as she walks around the house when in a good mood. :)

When I say, "Is your diaper dirty/wet?" - if it is, she'll march off to her room and stand by her changing table ready to be lifted up. LOVE THAT!!

She enjoys picking toys up and putting them away. Sometimes she gets a bit carried away and puts things away - but in our garage can! I'm always doing a double-check look in the garbage before throwing something away just in case there is something Amy "helped" put away in it.

She adores her brothers and is good at mimicing them. When it is time to leave the house, she eagerly awaits us putting her coat on, sits down on the stairs and waits for us to put her shoes on (the boys sit on the stairs, too; Jay puts his own shoes on; David still needs a little assistance with putting on his shoes).

Mom never minds leaving the boys with Dad at home and taking Amy out on the occasional errand run. Amy takes after brother David and enjoys getting out as opposed to brother Jay who will probably always be more of our home-body.

A little over 14 months old Amy mastered scooching down/descending the stairs in our home on her rear. She practiced her rear-scooching maneuver over and over again up and down, up and down until she was confident.

She loves having books read to her. The current favorite book for her is "Old McDonald's Farm" which is boring for us, but she adores hearing the sound effects we provide for each page/animal. She loves to have it read over and over and over...

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