Thursday, March 5, 2009

Jay's Friends

Today Jay enjoyed getting together with his friends - Audrey, Elorie, and Kyler. Audrey, Kyler and Jay have recently had their 9 month check-ups so it was fun to hear the latest stats on each baby from the Moms.

Audrey seems to have quickly mastered the skill of getting food on the spoon and into her mouth. Jay isn't even interested in doing that yet. And sure enough, Audrey performed "on cue" today during lunch. Here is evidence:

And since I seem to always miss capturing a photo of Kyler, I made sure to get one of him today. Kyler is just a few hours older than Jay. Yes, believe it or not they were born on the same day, though looking at him you'd not guess it. He is a whopping 26 lbs. (he was 26 lbs at his 6 mo. check-up and also at his 9 mo. check-up) and wears 18 mo. clothes. He is a super happy, content, sweet, rolly-polly baby.

We're looking forward to our next get-together and to getting outside to our walks again. The rain is great to keep everything green, but not so good for walking wee babes around in strollers. I know, spring will be here before I know it...patience, Mindy, patience.

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