Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Garden d'Lights - Botanical Garden Light Display

Last night I loaded the boys in the car and took them over to see the botanical garden light display. I had heard great things about it and I was eager to check it out and introduce Jay and David to the beauty of Christmas lights (over half a million in this display). I wasn't disappointed! The only disappointment was that Dad Matt couldn't join us. He needed to stay home and nurse his migraine headache (boo hoo!). I took these pictures so that we could tell and show Dad all about it, so I thought I'd share these pictures with all of you, too!

Above: Notice the slug on the left (including his slime trail) - a garden in the Seattle area wouldn't be a garden without one!
Below: It is a light "waterfall" with fish jumping


bgrahamnc said...

Very cool!

Traci said...

Beautiful! Would love to see them in person:)