Monday, January 6, 2014

Galbreath Christmas & Belated Worthington Christmas

December 2013 found us celebrating Christmas at HOME! We loved it!
Christmas Eve we had an early dinner at Panera Bread in Issaquah before attending our home church's 5:00 p.m. Christmas Eve service. We were sure glad we arrived 20 minutes early since the service quickly filled with standing room only. I've never witnessed so many people at our large church before. It was terrific to celebrate the birth of Christ with our church family.
Christmas morning the boys woke at 5:00 a.m. and rushed out to see the presents under the tree and their stockings filled. But they had been instructed to stay in their room until the pre-appointed 6:00 a.m. time, so back to bed for a (tortuous) hour so that Mom and Dad and sister Amy could catch a few more winks of sleep before starting the day. French toast, bacon, fruit, coffee, and hot chocolate was our chosen celebration of Jesus' birthday breakfast. M-m-m-m!

After opening stockings and gifts, we packed up the family and left for a 3+ hour drive to my brother and sister-in-law's beautiful home. We arrived at 2:00 and enjoyed the afternoon and evening together with Mom, sister and bro-in-law, and my brother and sis-in-law and all the little ones (6 total, including my 3).

Then Saturday afternoon, December 28, Nana and PopPop arrived. We enjoyed a leisurely afternoon and evening together playing and visiting.
Thanks to PopPop for all the pictures and the videos of our time together. I'm finding I just don't take out my camera for pictures enough when we are together and I'm always ever so grateful for PopPop's wonderful photography skills.
Sunday morning, December 29th
 Amy (16 months)
 David (3-1/2 years old)

 Jay (5-1/2 years old)
Above: A scene not so unfamiliar these days - Mom in the kitchen fixing food, the boys busy putting together and playing with Legos.
Below: A wonderful picture of Nana with little Amy.
Monday, December 30th, the Griffiths joined us for a big Christmas celebration day together.
We drew names and gifts were exchanged and opened before the 1:00 dinner.

The 4 boy cousins went right to work building some of their new Lego sets while the ladies worked on dinner preparations.
We enjoyed bacon wrapped dates as an appetizer (thanks Shawn!), London Broil (thanks to Matt for his BBQ'ing skills), garlic mashed yukon gold potatoes, hericot vert green beans, salad with cranberries, shallot, and fresh goat cheese, and in my 3-section serving dish baby carrots, celery, and black olives. We rounded out the special meal with sparkling apple cider (thanks Griffiths!), water, coffee/tea, and a flourless chocolate cake with fresh whipped cream for dessert.

Following dinner we relaxed and enjoyed watching all the kids discover special items Nana and PopPop prepared for them in their stockings.
Thanks for a wonderful Christmas of 2013 everyone!! We SO enjoy time with family. Love and hugs to all!!

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