Sunday, April 4, 2010

Easter Weekend!

Yesterday our local Safeway store held an Easter egg hunt with over 1,000 eggs "hidden" in the produce department. We were fortunate to "find" 5 eggs that were filled with candy. Jay enjoyed the hunt. Since then Jay enjoys hunting for the plastic eggs around our living room here at home, too.
Jay "in action" picking up an Easter egg from among the bananas
Can you tell he loves his haul?
We took a walk later in the day yesterday. It was cool out so we put his warm winter coat on him which he seems to have recently outgrown, but it fit close enough for the walk. On our walk back home he spotted a house cat that was outside for a short time. I caught him on video below "talking" to the cat.

Today we enjoyed a wonderful Easter service at church followed by a ham, salad, strawberries, green beans, and candied yams dinner here at home. Sunday afternoon nap followed and we're now just relaxing getting a few things done around the house. We hope you all had a wonderful Easter celebration today with friends and family.



1 comment:

Traci said...

So sweet!! Jay can roll his "R's".
What a smart boy!