Tuesday, July 13, 2010

David's 1 month check-up

Hard to believe, but David is now 4 weeks old (as of Saturday, July 10). Today we went to the pediatrician for his one month check-up.

David's stats today:

Weight: 9 lbs, 1 oz. (25-50 percentile)
Length/Height: 21-3/4 inches (50-75 percentile)
Head Circumference: 15 inches (50 percentile)

Interestingly, David is exactly 1 lb. heavier and his head is bigger than Jay's was at his 1 month appointment back in 2008. Jay was about 1/2 inch longer/taller (he was 22-1/4 inches).

In other news, PopPop and Nana have been with us for a week. My sister got married out of town this weekend. I was Matron of Honor, Matt was usher, and Jay was ringbearer. We asked PopPop and Nana to help us out this week leading up to, during, and after the wedding so we could prepare, get involved, and then recover from the busy weekend. What a huge blessing they have been.

Late last week PopPop took this picture of Matt and Jay. Jay decided he wanted Daddy to read his "night night" story from the Toys 'R Us catalog. That was a first for Matt - reading a catalog - but it worked great!

I decided to do a short photo shoot with David this afternoon. Here are the results...
I adore this photo below...such opposite emotions happening.
As you can see from the photos, David is having more regular and good "wake times." He also eats like there won't be another meal. He'll eat on one side for 30 min. and on my other side for 30 min. He'll take a short break and want to eat again for another 10 to 20 min. per side. YIKES!

Our nights have been touch and go regarding the amount of sleep David allows me. Some nights are good. Other nights, not so much. But I guess that is life with a newborn. When I wake up super groggy I say to Matt, "I like my sleep too much for this."

1 comment:

bgrahamnc said...

What a beautiful boy! Hope you get some sleep soon. - Bob