Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Fun Weekend

We enjoyed a fun weekend July 17 and 18. We kicked it off with a trip to Seattle's Pike Place Market Saturday morning to meet up with my friend, Krishana, from Kentucky. I met Krishana at Focus on the Family Institute back in the Fall of 2000. In March she learned she had a non-Hodgkin's lymphoma called Follicular Lymphoma and started chemo treatments. She finished her last treatment on July 7th and the scan was clear so she is now in remission. PTL! Her plans to be a missionary to the teens in Austria at the start of next year are back on. It was great to see and visit with her, to meet her parents, and to visit with Sarah - a friend of Krishana's that worked at Focus and then moved out here to take a job at SPU several years ago. Sarah now works in the Executive Office where I used to work - she is an absolute GEM!

Here is a group shot - Sarah, Krishana, me, David in the Baby Bjorn, Matt, and Jay

Notice in the above photo us gals have our Starbucks in hand. We stopped at the original Starbucks store first, then enjoyed some cinnamon rolls from a place just down the street, and a good visit after. While waiting outside of Starbucks, I noticed Jamie and Bobby Deen (Food Network stars and sons of Paula Deen). When they came out of a neighboring shop, Matt spoke up and asked them if they were able to find any good southern treats here in the Northwest (or something along those lines). We enjoyed a friendly banter/conversation with them for a moment before they headed on their way. We should have asked what they were doing here in Seattle - perhaps checking out some potential spots to film for their Food Network show??

Saturday night is always a bath night around here. I couldn't resist the opportunity to take a few bath photos of David that night. He already is so much bigger than he used to be. And we all know how fast they grow up.

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