Friday, August 8, 2008


I couldn't believe it! Jay slept nearly nine hours last night. NINE! It gave me a new appreciation of how nice uninterrupted sleep can be.

I must admit, though, at the 8 hour mark I got up and watched him for a good 10 minutes. First, to see if he was alive (and hadn't suffocated - the funny things you think when you are having a hard time believing what just happened). Second, to see if he was going to wake up at any moment. After 10 minutes elasped I decided the movements were just him stirring in his sweet sleep, so I made myself more comfortable by pumping and then went about my morning.

Just when I was going to step in the shower to ready myself for work, he woke up. But I didn't mind. I smiled sweetly at him as he drank the freshly pumped milk from his bottle.

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