Tuesday, August 26, 2008


Last Friday was my last day working full-time at SPU. I had the privilege of spending 5 days with Kristin, the terrific gal who accepted the position. She is a perfect fit for the office and she picked up on things so quickly and easily.

Saturday morning we left town bright and early for vacation. We stopped in Kelso (the half-way point) on our trip to visit with family friends. What a joy that was to spend 2-1/2 hours visiting with them, which also allowed us time to eat lunch, for us to change Jay shortly after he majorly filled his diaper, and time for Jay to nurse before we got back on the road again.

WE LOVE CANNON BEACH! This is the third year Matt's side of the family comes and stays here during this week and everyone in the same sleeping rooms. We've built traditions such as the guys go golfing one morning together while the gals watch the kids, then the guys care for the kids while the girls get away for a meal together, we typically build a sand sculpture together, we take family photos, we stroll down main street and visit the candy and ice cream shops, etc. This year we're planning to take a family photo -- Nana, PopPop, us, Traci's family, and Shawn's family -- on the beach. That photo I hope to post later (we're planning to take that photo later today if all goes well).

Below are some photos we took yesterday. Of course it happens to be the day I was scuzzy (hey, it's vacation!) - but more importantly yesterday marked Jay's 3 month birthday. Yes - he is officially 3 months old now! Hooray!

Casual Family Photo - August 25, 2008

Jay - 3 months old

Jay and Mom - Haystack Rock in background

Coastal Trees


Traci said...

Great pictures! That picture of the coastal trees is amazing. I missed that!

Anonymous said...

When's the next update? Inquiring minds want to know!