Wednesday, September 10, 2008

New Things

Jay is amazing us with his latest "tricks." He continues to be more alert and engaging during his wake times.

On Sunday afternoon we were watching a football game on tv. He is so hilarious! He gets all excited and starts talking up a storm when the game is in action. When a commercial comes on he looks away from the tv and is bored (like most of us are), but when the game comes back on, he stares at the tv again and does excited squeals of delight when the guys make a play. Here is a photo of Jay watching the game on Sunday.

He found his feet this week! He started touching/grabbing his toes and feet late last week and continues to do it. He especially enjoys doing it on the changing table. He is typically a happy boy on the changing table - he loves to flail his arms and legs in excitement. Here are a couple photos of him touching his toes. The first one I had the light on, so it isn't the best photo because of that, but it captured his cute smile, so I couldn't resist posting it.

This afternoon we go to see Dr. Seslar, the cardiologist, for a follow-up appointment regarding his SVT. Jay hasn't experienced any fast heart-beat episodes that Matt or I have caught/heard, so it should be a status quo appointment with the doctor. I continue to administer his liquid beta-blocker medication every 8 hours via syringe. I'm thinking the doctor will tell us to continue with the same dosage (less than 1/4 tsp). Perhaps the doctor will even discuss with me when we might stop administering the medication (possibly as early as when he is 6 mo. old). We'll see...

Jay and I try to get out for a walk most every day. The September days are beautiful. We're trying to capture as much of the good weather as possible before the rain returns.

Blessings to all of you until next time...


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