Wednesday, October 8, 2008

4 Month Check-Up

Yesterday afternoon Jay saw Dr. Ruth Crosby, his pediatrician, for his 4 month check-up. Here are his latest stats:

Weight: 13 lbs., 14 oz. - 25th-50th percentile
Length/Height: 25-1/4" - 50th-75th percentile
Head Circumference: 42-1/4" - 50th percentile

August 12th Weight: 11 lbs., 6 oz. - 50th percentile
August 12th Length/Height: 23-1/2" - 75th percentile
August 12th Head Circumference: 39-1/2" - 50th percentile

Here is a picture of Jay waiting for Dr. Crosby

Dr. Crosby told us we can begin Jay on solid foods any time now. We'll start him out on rice cereal in the next week or two and begin introducing pureed vegetables and fruit one at a time 3-4 days apart. My baby is growing up!

Also, here is proof of Jay's first tooth that recently broke through. I'm not sure you can see it clearly via this photo but it is there! Looking at his mouth his front bottom right tooth has poked through the gum (from his perspective its his front bottom left tooth).

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