Saturday, June 5, 2010

Baby #2's Due Date - TODAY

As my blog post title says, today is my due date with Baby #2. So far...nothing! I'm still at home and I'm feeling great.

I must confess I did have some nauseousness yesterday morning followed by regularly spaced 15 minute cramps that then drifted to 20 minute apart cramps by mid-day, followed by intermittant/almost non-existant cramps by the end of the day. (A bit of a bummer for all of us, but obviously it wasn't his time yet!) The ensuing possibility of real labor happening was enough for my Mom to make the 3-1/2 hour drive to our place. She'll be staying with us through birth and for the first full week after the little guy's arrival. What a blessing! Jay is loving the extra one-on-one time with Grandma.

I sure enjoyed and soaked up the terrific family time and the beautiful weather we experienced today in the Seattle area. I walked quite a bit today while out and about doing errands at IKEA, Target, Home Depot and we ended the evening with a nice family walk to the park after dinner.

So, the question of the day and week...when will this little guy decide to make his arrival? Only God knows and I'm just fine with that. I'll be seeing my doctor on Tuesday, June 8 for my weekly check-up, so it'll be interesting to see if I see him there or at the hospital before then. As I've been looking at the calendar, a 6-8-10 birthday would be kinda cool to have, don't you think? Ha!

I'm not super uncomfortable and really, when you think about it, it is much easier to care for a newborn INSIDE than it is for the first few weeks and months following their delivery, so as far as I'm concerned, he can continue to stay cozy, well fed, and cared for a little while longer as long as he and I are doing fine and are healthy.

Hopefully the next blog post I make in the next week or so will be news and pictures of the little guy. Stay tuned!!


Momma Dana said...

Oh, you have a much better attitude than I do right now! I, too, am hoping for an 6/8/10 birthday, but I think you deserve it more! I hope to hear wonderful news soon!

Pam Christensen said...

Can't wait to hear he's arrived :)