Monday, June 21, 2010

Days of Waiting

I'm going to go back in time - about 2 weeks time to be exact - to start the story of David's arrival.

My due date with Baby W #2 was Saturday, June 5. As I mentioned in a previous blog post, I had some nauseousness and fairly regular contractions on Friday, June 4. They were regular enough to call in reinforcement (my sister Molly) that morning while Matt went to work. I was afraid that if the contractions started to come more frequently...well, I just didn't want to be alone with 2 year old Jay in hard labor waiting for Matt to arrive, etc. Molly graciously came and spent a better part of that day here. Unfortunately the contractions didn't come closer together. In fact, they became further apart and eventually stopped and became very infrequent. But the "signs" were enough for my Mom to hop in her vehicle to make the 3-1/2 hour drive here to be with us.

I had a check-up and a non-stress test on the baby at my doctor's office on Tuesday, June 8th, followed by another check-up and non-stress test on the baby the following Friday, June 11. All signs looked great - my body was completely ready, it was just a matter of waiting to see when the baby would make his arrival. At the Friday, June 11th appointment an ultrasound, non-stress test, and check-up was scheduled for Monday, June 14 and an induction was put on the calendar for Friday, June 18 at 6 a.m. if Baby W #2 decided to wait that long.

It was a LONG week of waiting, let me tell you. My family kept close tabs on me, wondering if I was having contractions (I was, but nothing regular) and every day we all hoped that "today" would be the day! Lots of little projects got accomplished around the house in our waiting...a few walls received a touch-up coat of paint, my kitchen pantry closet received new shelves and therefore much better storage, the patio deck got a cleaning, lots of various errands were get the idea.

Friday night, June 11, after dinner, Matt suggested we all go for a walk. That sounded good to me, but I suggested THEY all go for a walk while I took the car to get a pedicure. That plan sounded even better to me! Ha! But Matt's suggestion that I walk with them won out in the end and we all took a LONG walk that evening. A 1-1/2 hour walk to be exact! I'm sure it could have been accomplished faster, but I slowed the gang down with a) my nearly 41 week (overdue) pregnant waddle and b) needing to stop now and then when a hard contraction took place.

Funny how memories flood back. Two years ago I remember Matt suggesting another long walk on a sunny, Sunday afternoon, two days before my due date with little Jay. Little did I know that at midnight Monday morning I'd be having my first labor contraction and a little over 14 hours later I'd be holding my first born son in my arms.

Stay tuned for David's arrival story...

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