Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Portrait Session

Yesterday morning I took the two boys to our nearby JCPenney for a photo session. It was time to get the milestone photos taken - Jay's 2 year photo and a newborn one of David.

The photographer was great and he captured what a really wanted - a good one of the boys together. But boy (no pun intended) did the two of us have to WORK for it. I was literally dripping with sweat when the photo session concluded (making me wonder WHY I showered and gussied myself up - all that was undone in a couple minutes flat). 'Tis hard work to get a 2 month old and a 2 year old to #1) cooperate, #2) look at a camera at the same time with good expressions, #3) keep both boys in semi-good moods so they'd give a smile every now and then.

After all that, I had to make decisions. Thankfully choosing which photos I liked best was the easy part. The hard part was how many and what size pictures to order... Good thing I only do the milestone pictures (at the most) three times a year (newborn, 6 mo., 1 yr)! It's enough to send a Mom to insanity land.

An hour and a half later we were back home and back to our normal schedule of eating lunch and having our afternoon naps. My Mom was a brave, brave woman to endure milestone pictures of her twin girls and younger son. She not only did the milestone pictures of us - she had a 1+ hour commute each way (vs. my easy 5+ min. commute)! Once again I am so appreciative of the sacrifices she chose and I'm reminded again what an amazing woman she is. LOVE YOU MOM!

The photos will be ready for pick-up on August 21. I'll post them after that. If you want a sneak peek at all of the photos (the funny/not-so-good ones), let me know. I'll email you a link so you can view the album at your leisure.

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